June 2022

There truly are no words in a moment like this, in the wake of a devastating shooting where so many young lives were lost - which in itself is in the wake of the devastating shooting in Buffalo just 10 days prior.

Our faith compels us to draw near to the broken hearted, so may you not shy away - may you lean in, light a candle, and say a prayer.

If you don't have words, we offer this prayer to you that we might say together:

God of the brokenhearted, may Jesus who said, "Let the little children come to me" welcome the little ones to your kingdom in heaven with open arms.

May he greet them with a warm embrace that holds them safe.

May your spirit, O God, be upon their parents, grandparents, families, and friends.

In this dark hour, pour out your peace upon them.

Wrap them in the comfort of your care.

With sighs too deep for words, we cry out to you this night - mourning all that has been lost, for the lives gone too soon.

Draw near, Holy Spirit, draw near.

We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer, Amen.


With love,

Pastor Kelsey


July 2022


May 2022