July 2023

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work,

but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.

-Exodus 20:8

About two weeks ago, I was sitting on my couch, scrolling mindlessly on my phone while my month-old son napped. I was feeling groggy and disconnected, like it had been a while since I'd come up for air.

I realized my feeling of disconnect was due to me being so connected to my phone. So I made a quick post letting folks know I was signing off, and then promptly deleted all my social media apps.

Immediately, my breath deepened and filled my lungs.

I always forget how compulsive checking social media is, until I take the option away - then I realize how often I mindlessly open the app any time there's a gap of space in time.

There's this compulsive need to fill that gap.

I think one of the gifts maternity leave (and the deletion of those apps!) has given me is the beauty of open space. I used to really value a very full planner - I loved to see a full schedule and a full to-do list side by side. I struggled to find the value of blank space. I always wanted to fill the gap.

But the past several weeks have been nothing but blank space, and I've realized that's where life *actually* happens.

The blank space is full of walks to the lake, hikes through tunnels of trees, snuggles on the couch, ice cream served in coffee cups, naps in the backyard, video calls with family, deliciously fresh meals, strolls through Target or Costco, spontaneous dance parties, and visits with friends.

So here's to more open gaps of blank space for all of us. I pray your life is full of them.

With grace,

Pastor Kelsey*

*This is an excerpt of one of Pastor Kelsey's devotional emails from her nonprofit, Dancing Pastor Ministries.


August 2023


June 2023