December 2022

He continued, “Go home and prepare a feast, holiday food and drink; and share it with those who don’t have anything: This day is holy to God. Don’t feel bad. The joy of God is your strength!”

– Nehemiah 8:10

Talk of diets and “too many cookies” runs rampant through the holiday season. The “sin” of gluttony has seeped into our western culture, telling us that a body outside of the cultural “ideal” of skinny, with a little bit of curve but not too much is a sign of unfaithfulness.

But that could not be farther from the truth.

I pray you hear these words from Nehemiah telling us to go, eat, prepare a delicious meal and enjoy it. Share it with those who don’t have much and indulge in it yourself. Give yourself a second helping of mashed potatoes and eat your pie before dinner. Pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage - maybe indulge in a larger glass of that sweet, sparkling apple cider.

God does not want us to deprive ourselves of things that bring us joy! Friend, as a plate in my kitchen says: Life is short, eat dessert!

This holiday season, trust that God loves you and your body exactly for who you are. No more, no less. God does not want less of you. Instead, God wants more of you! God wants you to enjoy this life that God has given you, and one of the greatest joys in life is being able to share in good food and laughter around the table with people we love and care about. So pour yourself a class, grab an extra cookie, and embrace the joy that delicious food can bring.

With love and and a thankful heart,

Pastor Kelsey


January 2023


November 2022