November 2022

“You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, so that my soul may praise you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.”

–Psalm 30:11-12

If you were in church this Sunday, or perhaps even if you weren’t, you have heard the news that Kevin and I are expecting to welcome a little one into our family in late spring 2022! We are very excited and so grateful for the privilege and opportunity to bring a new life into this world. We are even more grateful that we get to do so, knowing that you all are here praying for and supporting us. This child will come into the world being so very loved!

While this news is incredibly exciting, I know that it also comes with questions - especially about how we will manage financially, who will fill in pastorally, how things might change, etc. Please know that all those questions will be answered in time. But for now, let’s just focus on celebrating and basking in the good news!

November is traditionally a month to practice gratitude and I would love to take a moment to express some of that towards all of you.

A few weeks ago, I asked for help leading worship. I told you in the email it was because “liturgy” means “of the people” and I would love to have the voices of the people (meaning you!) helping lead worship. That is still very true, but it is also because my doctor told me I need to sit more during worship (my smart watch kept thinking I was doing 45 minute sets of cardio on Sunday mornings!). I also needed help when Kevin and I came down with Covid, and when we left to attend my grandfather’s funeral.

So many of you stepped up to help, and I am so grateful for your willingness to lend a hand and a voice. Thank you for your leadership, your care, and the love you poured out. It is such a blessing to know that I have you all as partners in ministry.

We also have had some incredible feats of outreach this fall - from Super Saturday to Fall Fest, to the Community Meal and Amazing Grays. You all have shown again and again that you are the hands, feet, and heart of Christ in this world. Thank you for all that you do to serve our communities and pour out God’s love for your neighbors.

My gratitude for all of you runs deep. May we continue to be a blessing to one another and to our greater community.

With love and and a thankful heart,

Pastor Kelsey


December 2022


October 2022